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The Behavioral Research for Aphasia and Intensive Neurorehabilitation (BRAIN) Lab


Researching Patient, Care Partner, & Student Clinician Training Outcomes in Montana

Welcome to the BRAIN Lab

Our Mission

The mission of the Behavioral Research for Aphasia and Intensive Neurorehabilitation (BRAIN) Lab at the University of Montana is to investigate the influence of intensive speech, language, and cognitive communication therapy on stroke and brain injury rehabilitation for patients and their family care partners. 


Research from the BRAIN Lab is focused on how principles of neuroplasticity influence language, communication, and psychosocial well-being outcomes for stroke survivors and their care partners.

Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability in the United States. Stroke often leads to life-altering cognitive-communication disorders that require speech, language, and/or cognitive rehabilitation.


Aphasia is a symptom of stroke that impairs language function - aphasia can impact speaking, listening, reading, and writing to varying degrees. Approximately 30% to 40% of stroke survivors experience aphasia and up to 4 million people in the United States currently have aphasia. Aphasia can significantly impair the stroke survivor's ability to communicate, limit their daily activities, and restrict their participation in life situations and social roles.


Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Programs (ICAPs) seek to treat the patient as a whole, including their language and communication impairments, their activities of daily living, their participation in life, and their psychosocial well-being.


White Washed Wood

Montana F.A.S.T.Chat


Catherine Off & Piper Kmetz (July, 2023). Communicating with Stroke Survivors with Aphasia. Podcast: Montana F.A.S.T. Chats, American Stroke Association, Mission:Lifeline Stroke.  


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