BRAIN Lab Aphasia Publications
BRAIN Lab publications that are in press or published.
* indicates papers written in collaboration with students (students names are underlined).
Referreed Articles
*Scharp, V.L., Off, C.A., & Wilson, M. (in press). Gaps in the Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Program (ICAP) evidence base: Perspectives of International ICAP Leadership. Invited for Special Issue - Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Programs (ICAPS): Launching the Next Decade of Research and Clinical Implementation in Aphasiology.
*Griffin-Musick, J.R., Harvey, S. Pierce, J., Fahey, D. & Off, C.A. (submitted, under revision). The “I” in ICAP: Putting Intensity under the Microscope. Invited for Special Issue - Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Programs (ICAPS): Launching the Next Decade of Research and Clinical Implementation in Aphasiology.
Off, C.A., Kim, E., Devanga, S.R. & Sather, T. (2023). Issue Editor Forward: Proceedings of the 2022 International Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference: The Engaged Community. Journal of Communication Disorders, 106.
*Off, C.A., Scharp, V.L., & Griffin-Musick, J.R. (2023). Graduate Student Clinicians in Healthcare Professions as Stakeholders in Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Program (ICAP) Implementation and Research. Invited for Special Issue, Stakeholder Engaged Research: Examples in Aphasia in Topics in Language Disorders, 43 (1), 30-42.
*Off, C.A., Leyhe, A.A., Baylor, C.R., Griffin-Musick, J.R., & Murray, K. (2022). Patient perspectives of a university-based Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Program (ICAP) for stroke survivors with aphasia, Aphasiology, ahead of print, DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2022.2153327
*Kincheloe, H., Off, C.A., Murphy, M., Griffin-Musick, J., Murray, K., Jakober, D. (2022). “We all have coping and communication problems.” Student clinician and patient experiences of a telehealth interprofessional psychoeducation and wellness group for stroke survivors with aphasia. Aphasiology, Ahead of Print.
*Rose, M.L., Pierce, J.E. ,Scharp, V.L., Off, C.A., Babbitt, E.M., Griffin-Musick, J.R., and Cherney, L.R. (2021). Developments in the application of Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Programs: An international survey of practice. Disability and Rehabilitation. Ahead of Print. DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2021.1937920
*Griffin-Musick, J., Jakober, D., Sallay, A., Milman, L., and Off, C.A. (2021). Cognitive-linguistic outcomes from an intensive comprehensive aphasia program implemented by graduate student clinicians. Aphasiology, 36 (9), 1015-1029.
*Griffin-Musick, J., Off, C.A., Milman, L., Kincheloe, H., & Kozlowski, A. (2020). The impact of a graduate student clinician-implemented Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Program (ICAP) on psychosocial well-being in stroke survivors with aphasia. Aphasiology, 35 (10), 1363-1389.
Off, C.A. & Yorkston, K. (2019). Issue Editor Foreword: Expanding the envelope of care: Redefining the patient as the patient-family caregiver unit. Topics in Language Disorders, 39(1). DOI: 10.1097/TLD.0000000000000174
*Off, C.A., Griffin-Musick, J.R., Murray, K.W., and Milman, L. (2019). Interprofessional caregiver education, training, and wellness in the context of a cohort model for aphasia rehabilitation. Topics in Language Disorders, 39(1). DOI: 10.1097/tld.0000000000000171
Baylor, C., Oelke, M., Hunsaker, E., Off, C., Wallace, S., Pennington, S., Bamer, A….Yorkston, K. (2017). Validating the Communicative Participation Item Bank (CPIB) for use with people with aphasia: A Differential Item Functioning analysis. Aphasiology, 31 (8), 861-878. DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2016.1225274.
*Off, C.A., Griffin, J.R., Spencer, K.A., and Rogers, M.A., (2015). The impact of dose on naming accuracy with persons with aphasia. Aphasiology, 30, 9, 983-1011.
Media & Visibility
Off, C.A. & Kmetz, P. (July, 2023). Communicating with Stroke Survivors with Aphasia. Podcast: Montana F.A.S.T. Chats, American Stroke Association, Mission:Lifeline Stroke.
Off, C.A. (March 11, 2021). Interview for Wake Up Montana (ABC/FOX) with Maria Anderson. UM Aphasia Group Helps Stroke Survivors.
Off, C.A., Murray, K., Kincheloe, H., & Murphy, M. (March, 2021). Interview for UM News Services with Courtney Brockman, Stroke Survivors Receive Holistic Care from UM Group.
Off, C.A. (2020, June). Creating a New Cohort on Zoom: Developing and Implementing a Telehealth ICAP in Rapid Response to COVID-19. Synchronous, live presentation (on Zoom) at AphasiaAccess’s 24-hour Global Aphasia Awareness Month Teach-In.
Off, C.A. & Patterson, J. (2020). Aphasia Access Podversation: “In Conversation with Cathy Off”. Invited podcast interview about rural aphasia community groups.