BRAIN Lab Collaborations
The BRAIN Lab collaborates with some amazing researchers.....

Victoria (Tori) Scharp
Victoria (Tori) Scharp is an Associate Professor at Idaho State University who collaborates with the BRAIN Lab to explore intensive aphasia service delivery models and their impact on patient and student outcomes. Dr. Scharp's lab and the BRAIN Lab have formed The Mountain West Aphasia Collaborative - which aims to reduce health disparities for those living with aphasia.

Danielle Fahey
The Grammar in Aphasia & Bilingualism (GAB) Lab at the University of Montana investigates the neural bases of syntax (grammar) by aphasic, bilingual, & non-English speaking populations. Syntax includes the grammar of words (lexical syntax), pieces of words (morphosyntax), and the order of words in sentences (hierarchical structuring).
Learn more about the GAB Lab at: https://www.gablaboratory.org/

LaTrobe University & University of Queensland
Miranda Rose & John Pierce (LaTrobe)
Sam Harvey (Univ. of Queensland)
The BRAIN Lab collaborates with colleagues from Australia to investigate intensity and dose in aphasia interventions.